I saw that the Norfolk scout training team wanted a mascot, bade/logo and a slogan designed. So I got in touch and these are the ideas I came up with using their brief which was they wanted a bee character and the scout logo in place somewhere. I then got back in touch and sent these Ideas off yet however on this occasion they decided not to go ahead.

mascot ideas 1
one drawn and adding text digitally
one all done digitally

More ideas for the mascot playing around with moving text and logo

badge / logo Idea 1

more badge/logo design ideas
Slogan ideas I came up with :
- Bring the buzz be a training bee - can put it with capital letter
on the main words like this :
Bring the Buzz Be a training Bee
on the main words like this :
Bring the Buzz Be a training Bee
- Be the one be the training bee
- feel the excitement and buzz Be a training Bee
- feel the buzz and be a training bee
-Be a buzzing training bee
-Are you buzzing to be a training bee
-be a training bee and help the buzzing future
- training to help buzz the future
- help buzz up your skills while helping the buzzing future.
- feel the excitement and buzz Be a training Bee
- feel the buzz and be a training bee
-Be a buzzing training bee
-Are you buzzing to be a training bee
-be a training bee and help the buzzing future
- training to help buzz the future
- help buzz up your skills while helping the buzzing future.
- be a training bee